In Memory of Sadie

December 5, 2001 – March 2, 2018

Sadie was a lucky pug dog. She lived a long, happy life. But, in the end, we were the luckiest ones.

Sadie came home with us before we knew we were expecting a human baby. We watched the two of them grow up together, Sadie always gentle and protective of the newest family member. In her younger days Sadie was a wild child, a bundle of muscle who loved to run fast, especially at Discovery Park or in circles sliding across wooden floors at home. She destroyed so many things we thought we cared about: books; shoes; furniture; order. In her middle age she mellowed and turned into a wonderful friend. She was an avid tent and hotel camper until the last few years of her life: sand at Grayland Beach and snow at Sleeping Lady two of her favorite things. As she aged, she grew into this beautiful, wise Yoda-like creature. Kids especially loved the old Sadie. She was a magnet for them. They’d stop to pet her when we pushed her around the neighborhood in a stroller, treating her with a gentle kindness they rightfully sensed in her.

The last few years of her life we knew we were on borrowed time. Every day we hugged her a little tighter and savored our time with her. She got sweeter and hopefully so did we. She was a classy, dignified lady and we all doted on her as best we could.

Sadie was cared for by Ballard Animal Hospital most of her life. She saw many wonderful people there, but was fortunate enough to find Dr. Berry who became her main veterinarian for over ten years. We are grateful for her kindness and knowledge. She got Sadie through ear infections, upper respiratory issues as well as managing eyes, thyroid and arthritis. While busy with other patients she calmly guided us during Sadie’s final days and was with us to give her a peaceful, dignified good bye. Special thanks also to the talented Sam who for the last few years knew just how to manage an often stubborn pug.

We feel lost without our Sadie. Her sweet life made our lives sweeter.

- Paul, Robin and Page

Julie Howe