In Memory of Sophie

Sophie came into my life as a tiny puppy in 2007 and quickly became my everything. From the moment I saw her tiny and scared in the first kennel in the humane society I knew she was my soulmate, my kindred. When I met my husband in 2009, she quickly made the decision that he was her favorite person after me. As a family we moved from Colorado to Washington, and Sophie traded in mountains for water. She loved to swim hated baths; loved to stick her head out the window but hated the hairdryer; she loved babies and cats but could do without puppies (dogs were okay). She was the sweetest girl and made our life better. She was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy in 2015. We knew that our time with her was limited but thanks to Dr. Howe and everyone at Ballard Animal Hospital along with a team of various specialists, we were given some more time with her. After a long and valiant struggle with degenerative myelopathy, Sophie has crossed the rainbow bridge on February 8, 2017. She fought a good fight and was an inspiration. We are understandably heartbroken but so grateful she crossed the bridge with dignity. We will miss you forever, Sophie Ophie.

Amanda & Chris

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love” - Washington Irving

Julie Howe