In Memory of Tommy Gruber

Tommy the lover of meat, carbs, snow, squirrels, afternoon walks and his family. Tommy loved nothing more than knowing his people were all safe and in the same area, always placing himself in the middle to be sure he had herded us efficiently. He fiercely loved a few and leaned towards caution with outsiders. The amount of love he let into his life since I rescued him was truly amazing. We never thought it could be and yet, it was. If there is a doggy heaven he is chasing Cooper on the beach, jumping through snow drifts and doling out ankle bites to his hearts content. He is sneaking entire loaves of bread and gorging himself silly. He is fiercely protecting his backyard and his mom. He is off leash and free. Always causing mischief, but never really getting in trouble. We love and miss you, Chubba.

Sonya Kopetz