In Memory of Buster

Buster came into our lives when he was 14 years old. I don’t know why he ended up at a county animal shelter at that age, or exactly how long he was there before Pasado’s Safe Haven took him to their sanctuary when his time at the shelter was coming to an unhappy end. Perhaps it was in the Divine Plan that he ended up there just as I was considering taking in a foster cat to provide comfort and companionship to my 16 year old cat, Dandie, who was left utterly bereft and inconsolable after her beloved 14 year old brother Winky crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. So, I began to peruse the rescue network web sites, looking for a big, gentle male cat who might be enough like Winky in nature to meet Dandie’s needs, and equally importantly, tolerate my 3 year old cattle dog Grace, whose herding instincts were not limited to sheep and cattle. Buster’s sweet, quirky face leaped out at me the minute I saw his picture, and I somehow knew he was the one.

He came to live with us on a “trial basis” on June 2, 2010, and gifted us with his loving presence until April 13, 2017. In those seven years, he healed Dandie of her grief and provided her with his sweet company the last year of her life.

He lost no time establishing who was boss when it came to the annoying cattle dog in the household, and became fast friends with Grace and later, her little sister Emma Joy when she joined the family.

From the day Buster moved into my home and heart, the only regret I have is that he was only with me for 7 years. But in that time, he filled my life and all the lives he touched with more love and joy than can ever be expressed, and I like to think he felt how immensely he was loved in return. I miss you so much, my Sweet Boy, my Buddy, my Mr. B. You are in good company now across the Rainbow Bridge, until we can all be together again.

Julie Howe